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Shadow AI: how employees are leading the charge in AI adoption and putting company data at risk
Since ChatGPT launched in November 2022, generative AI has emerged as one of the fastest-adopted technologies in the workplace ever. But, as seen in past paradigm shifts like cloud computing, the productivity benefits of this new technology are balanced with new risks.
Similar to the early days of cloud adoption, workers are using AI tools ahead of IT departments formally buying them. The result is “shadow AI,” employee usage of AI tools through personal accounts that are not sanctioned by—or even known to—the company.
Shadow AI carries inherent risks to the confidentiality and integrity of company data because AI systems typically assimilate the information provided to them, incorporating these inputs into their broader knowledge base. Companies have already noted that the substance of sensitive information workers put into ChatGPT has been inadvertently shared with external parties.
Understanding how material generated by AI is used within organizations is equally important because this content may be inaccurate, inadvertently infringe on copyrights or trademarks, or include security vulnerabilities, especially concerning when AI-generated code is involved.
The Q2 2024 AI Adoption and Risk Report from Cyberhaven Labs (download a free copy here) explores these trends. It's based on actual AI usage patterns of 3 million workers, providing an unprecedented lens through which we can examine the adoption and security implications of AI in the corporate environment.
Growth in AI usage and the top 25 AI tools
AI usage at work is increasing at an exponential rate and so is the amount of corporate data pasted or uploaded to AI tools. Between March 2023 and March 2024, the amount of corporate data workers put into AI tools increased by 485 percent. AI adoption has increased so much so fast that the average knowledge worker now puts more corporate data into AI tools on a Saturday or Sunday than they did during the middle of the work week a year ago.

ChatGPT, which ignited the AI boom in November of 2022, remains the most frequently used AI application in the workplace. A “big three” set of vendors has emerged over the past year to dominate the AI landscape: collectively, products from OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft account for 96.0% of AI usage at work. But we’re still in the early stages of the AI revolution, and numerous startups also feature prominently on the top 25 AI tools list.

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AI adoption by industry
The industry with the greatest AI adoption is technology. Across every dimension, workers at tech firms use AI more than their counterparts in other fields. In March 2024, 23.6% of tech workers put corporate data into an AI tool. They also put data into AI tools more frequently (2,007,102 events per 100,000 employees) and copy data from AI tools more frequently (1,664,821 events per 100,000 employees) than workers in any other industry.

We’re still early in the adoption curve with 5.2% of employees at media and entertainment firms, 4.7% of employees at financial firms, and 2.8% in pharmaceuticals and life sciences are putting company data in AI tools. Retail and manufacturing employees have much lower adoption rates of AI technology than other industries. Just 0.6% of workers at manufacturing firms and 0.5% of workers at retail firms put company data in AI in March 2024.

Notably, workers in media and entertainment copy 261.2% more data from AI tools than they put into them. We found that in media, a growing amount of news content is generated using AI. We found a similar pattern in professional services (e.g. law firms, consulting firms, etc.) where workers copy 73.3% more data from AI tools than they put into them. Management consultants in particular are using AI to prepare presentation slides and other client-facing materials.
“Shadow AI” is growing faster than IT can keep up
“Shadow AI” is AI usage among workers that the company’s IT and security function does not sanction or in some cases even know about.
OpenAI launched an enterprise version of ChatGPT in August 2023 with enhanced security safeguards and a guarantee that information from corporate customers won’t be used to train models used by the general public (which can leak the substance of the training data). According to OpenAI, 80% of Fortune 500 companies have teams using ChatGPT with corporate accounts. However, we found a significant majority are still personal accounts.

In the workplace, 73.8% of ChatGPT accounts are non-corporate ones that lack the security and privacy controls of ChatGPT Enterprise. Moreover, the percentage is even higher for Gemini (94.4%) and Bard (95.9%). As companies adopt enterprise versions of popular tools and for key use cases and migrate users to corporate accounts, more AI startups launch and end users are adopting new AI tools faster than IT can keep up, fueling continued growth in “shadow AI”.
What corporate data workers put into AI tools
AI adoption is reaching new departments and use cases involving data that shouldn’t be exposed outside the company. While the overall volume of corporate data bound of AI has increased significantly over the past year, the percentage of that data that is sensitive has risen significantly as well. In March 2024, 27.4% of corporate data employees put into AI tools was sensitive, up from 10.7% a year ago. The variety of this data has also grown.
The top sensitive data type put into AI tools is customer support (16.3% of sensitive data), which includes confidential information customers share in support tickets. Source code comprises another 12.7% of sensitive data bound for AI. It’s important to note this number does not include coding copilots built into developer environments; it represents source code a developer copies and pastes into a third-party AI tool, which is riskier than corporate sanctioned copilots.

Research and development material is 10.8% of sensitive data flowing to AI. This category includes results from R&D tests that in the wrong hands would provide insights to competitors working on competing products. Once new products get closer to launch, marketing teams begin to work on promotional materials. Unreleased marketing material forms 6.6% of data, and confidential internal communications also forms 6.6% of data.
HR and employee records are 3.9% of sensitive information going to AI, including confidential HR details such as employee compensation and medical issues. Financial documents are just 2.3% of sensitive data going into AI tools but this material can be especially damaging if it leaks since it includes unreleased financials for public companies.
Sensitive data flows to “shadow AI”
Just how much sensitive data is going to these non-corporate AI accounts?
While legal documents comprise only 2.4% of sensitive corporate data going to AI tools, the vast majority (82.8%) are put into risky “shadow AI” accounts. Legal documents include drafts of acquisition or merger contracts for proposed deals, settlement agreements with confidential deal terms, and legal materials protected by attorney-client privilege.

Roughly half of source code (50.8%), research and development materials (55.3%), and HR and employees records (49.%) put into AI are going to non-corporate accounts.
Interestingly, we found that the most common form of sensitive company data going to AI tools is also most likely to be used with approved, corporate AI accounts. Just 8.5% of customer support information put into AI tools is going to non-corporate accounts.
How AI-generated content is used at work
It’s equally important to look at where AI-generated material is being used within organizations—not only from a security and legal standpoint but also to understand the impact AI is having on different types of work. We measured for every category of data at a company, how much is being created using AI.
From its origin in an AI tool, we traced where AI-generated content went within companies and found that the destination with the highest percentage of AI content is professional networks at 5.1%. In other words, roughly one in 20 LinkedIn posts employees create while at work are made using AI. However, other material from AI is being used in more business-critical ways.
In March 2024, 3.4% of research and development materials were produced using AI, potentially creating risk if patented or inaccurate material was introduced.
That was followed by 3.2% of source code insertions. Like in prior parts of this report this number only covers third-party AI tools not coding copilots built into development environments. The actual amount of source code being created with AI tools is likely much higher. But third-party AI tools often don’t have the same controls to prevent malicious code.
We also found that 3.0% of graphics and design content originated from AI, which can be a problem since AI tools can output trademarked material.
A smaller but still meaningful amount of news and media material (1.1%), which includes written news articles, is made using AI. We found the same percentage for job boards and recruiting material, which includes online job descriptions, originating in AI tools.